Honorable: Core Value

September 9, 2020

How do we honor MMI teammates and customers? How do we honor our friends and family? One of the best ways to honor others is with time. We should recognize the value of another’s time. If you are often late, consider the message you send.

Several years ago, and before I began working at MMI, three of my associates were waiting in a car for me to go to a meeting. I was trying to get a few things tied up while they waited in the car. As I approached the car, the owner of the company rolled down his window and said, “We got a dollar waiting on a dime.” I was the “dime” and I felt bad. The “dollar” never had to wait for me again.

Punctuality is the politeness of kings. - Unknown

Be honorable. Be on time for meetings and with deadlines to demonstrate respect for others. Plan your own time in such a way that you do not waste the valuable time of others. Leave time for the ones you love at home and give it freely.

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