A Commitment to Improving Lives: Our Core Purpose Through the Lens of Our Chief Financial Officer

At MMI Industrial & Steel, the essence of our existence does not lay in a conventional mission statement. Instead, we focus on what we feel is a profound Core Purpose: "to improve the lives of MMI’s employees, customers, and vendors." Examining the heart of this spirit, Brett Huston, our Chief Financial Officer, sheds light on what our Core Purpose means to him personally and how it resonates in his professional life.

For Brett, our Core Purpose transcends what can often be viewed as typical corporate rhetoric; it strikes a chord with his personal values and beliefs. He shares, "In my personal and family life, I have found my greatest fulfillment and happiness when I am more focused on helping others. When I become more self-centered, I am not as content in my life."Brett's belief in the intrinsic value of unselfishness echoes deeply with MMI's foundational principle. “This is why our Core Value of ‘improving the lives of our employees, customers, and vendors’ rings true to me,” he emphasizes. Prioritizing the betterment of employees, customers, and vendors over profit maximization aligns with his personal values and breeds success in a business environment stating, “I believe if we focus solely on running a profitable business, we will not find the same level of success.”

The impact of MMI's Core Purpose reverberates throughoutBrett's daily decision-making processes across various domains:

Our People:

Brett's approach towards nurturing MMI's workforce is anchored in empowerment and support. “Am I giving them (our employees) the tools and training they need to be successful? This is an example of questionsI ask myself as I meet with employees and interact with them, he says of ensuring that employees are not only in roles that suit their strengths but also equipped with the necessary tools and training for success. Brett also says,"Being flexible with their schedule to allow them to take care of personal matters is also a focus of mine to help them to be happy and successful."

Capital Expenditure (CapEx):

When evaluating capital expenditure decisions, Brett's considerations extend beyond financial gains. “Of course, I look at return on investment for the company when considering potential CapEx purchases,” he explains. “Part of that consideration is asking questions like: will this help our employees to be more efficient? Will the new CapEx item help our employees do their jobs more safely? Will this purchase allow us to provide improved service and/or product to our customers? Will it increase our work capacity and ability to generate revenue?” he continues, weighing the potential impact on employee efficiency, safety, and overall job satisfaction. Brett articulates,"Because we have a gain-sharing program, a CapEx purchase that will improve profitability will also benefit our employees financially,”acknowledging that all these things are a factor when he’s presented with CapEx decisions.


Brett underscores the significance of cultivating mutually beneficial partnerships with customers. Quality workmanship, fair pricing, and transparent communication form the foundation of MMI's customer relationships.He emphasizes, "We want to work with customers as partners, so that all parties benefit from the relationship. If we don’t provide quality work or provide fair pricing, then we are not helping our customers improve. If we provide quality service at a fair price, it allows us both to be profitable, then we can have a longstanding relationship… I want our business partners to grow so in turn, they can provide us more opportunities for work. In my interactions with customers, I am always honest and respectful in treating them the way that I expect to be treated." By prioritizing customer satisfaction and fostering growth in our partnerships, Brett ensures a sustainable business model that enriches the lives of all those involved.


As a steward of MMI's financial health, Brett operates with integrity and transparency. Ethical financial reporting and prudent decision-making are vital to ensuring the company's long-term profitability.Brett asserts, "We must be profitable to survive as a company, continue to employ our workers, and continue to share our profits with them. So, it is important that each financial decision we make helps us to be profitable in the long-term. Providing accurate financial information to our business partners is also a focus of mine. This allows them to make informed decisions." By sharing financial goals and results with employees and business partners alike,Brett nurtures a culture of trust and accountability within MMI.


In his role as CFO, Brett is committed to delivering excellence in reporting and service. He upholds high standards of accuracy and timeliness, both internally and externally. Additionally, Brett acknowledges,"In my role as CFO, I consider if I am providing quality reporting to our management team, to the operations team and accurate reporting to the entire company as we share our goals and results with them. We also provide billings, various forms, and reporting to our customers. This ensures that my team and I are providing them with what they need in a timely and accurate manner. It is one aspect of quality for my department." By providing quality reporting to management, operations, and customers alike, Brett ensures that MMI's commitment to improvement permeates every aspect of our operations.


Safety continually prevails as MMI's ultimate commitment to employee well-being. Though Brett may not have a direct, daily impact on operational safety, he champions a culture of safety awareness and support from the top down. Brett emphasizes, "Safety is paramount to improving the lives of our employees and customers. I want everyone to go home safely everyday. Obviously, if an employee is injured it is going to reduce their quality of life, for them and for their family, rather than improve it, and if we have injuries on job sites, that will also reflect negatively on our customers. I focus on reminding employees to be safe when I have the opportunity and to fully support the safety initiatives within our company so that employees know that management is 100% behind having a safe workforce." By prioritizing safety initiatives and fostering a culture of vigilance, Brett ensures that every employee returns home safely, thus upholding MMI's Core Purpose.

In essence, Brett's perspective encompasses the relationship between MMI's Core Purpose and our day-to-day operations. From ensuring the well-being and success of employees to providing quality products and services to customers, our Core Purpose is evident in every aspect of our business. Through a steadfast commitment to improvement in all facets of our daily operations, MMI Industrial & Steel continues to enrich the lives of its employees, customers, and vendors, thereby exemplifying the transformative power of purpose-driven leadership.

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