Happy: Core Value

September 9, 2020

One of the more meaningful books I have read is entitled, “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl.

He was a Jewish prisoner in a WWII concentration camp. 90% of the people that were transported to the camp with him died in the first few hours. He survived for three years until the war ended. His parents, wife and brother died in captivity. He was beaten, denied food, mentally abused, and suffered beyond imagination. Mr. Frankl credits his own survival to his ability to choose his attitude. Though his physical freedoms were taken from him, his freedom to choose his own attitude always belonged to him and he stubbornly chose happiness, forgiving, love and understanding rather that hate and self-pity.

Mr. Frankl is a hero of mine. He is someone that inspires me to be a better man and I have plenty of work to do. His story is evidence that happiness is a choice. Please ask yourselves, do the challenges in your lives rob you of your choice to be free from anger, depression and apathy or do you recognize the same freedom of choice that Mr. Frankl exercised in the most extreme conditions?

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