HAPPY: Eric Bailey

July 10, 2024

At MMI Industrial & Steel, our core values are the foundation of our success and the guiding principles in our daily operations. These values—HAPPY, HUNGRY, HARDWORKING, and HONORABLE—are the principles which our organization, from the very top, including our executive leadership team, to every member at every other level, strive to embody. Valued employee, Eric Bailey, recently helped us explore the value of being HAPPY by sharing his thoughts and insights.

Eric Bailey’s perspective on being HAPPY captures the essence of this vital core value and its impact on both personal and professional lives. He emphasizes that happiness is a choice and a powerful tool that shapes our day and influences the feelings of those around us. Eric states, "I really appreciate MMI’s core value of being HAPPY because it’s a constant reminder that we have the capability to shape how our day is going and how we can improve the feelings of others around us. It’s an important trait that affects all of us in every aspect of our lives."

In the hustle and bustle of life, both at home and work, challenges are inevitable. Eric points out that while we may not have control over external circumstances, we do have control over our responses. He says, "Life, both at home and at work, never fails to throw a curveball at us here and there, but our outlook on life greatly influences our happiness. We may not always have control over external circumstances, but we do have control over how we respond to those circumstances and how we perceive the world around us." This insight underscores the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and the profound impact it has on our overall happiness.

Eric further explains that happiness is a conscious choice and a powerful perspective. He highlights the importance of reframing negative situations, focusing on gratitude, and appreciating the good things in life. "By consciously choosing to be positive and having an optimistic perspective, we can be HAPPY even in the face of challenges. If we reframe negative situations, focus on gratitude, and appreciate the good things in our lives, it can really turn our attitude around to make us feel better about a difficult situation." These words remind us that happiness is not just a fleeting emotion but an emotion that can be deliberate, and more importantly, a transformative approach to life.

The contagious nature of happiness is another crucial aspect that Eric emphasizes. He believes that a HAPPY disposition boosts morale and resonates with those around us, creating a ripple effect of positivity. "Being HAPPY is contagious and spreads the emotion to the people around us. Being HAPPY resonates and boosts morale, making everyone go home feeling good about their day." In a team-oriented environment like MMI, this contagious happiness fosters a supportive and collaborative atmosphere, enhancing productivity and overall job satisfaction.

Eric’s reflections also touch on the universal desire for happiness and the simple yet profound ways we can influence our own and others’ happiness. "I’m not sure if I’ve ever met someone that doesn’t want to be HAPPY or want to be around HAPPY people. If you notice yourself in a sour mood or from someone around you at the shop, in the field, or at home, remember that you have the power and opportunity to address it and help improve other people’s happiness as well. A simple smile can go a long way!" This highlights the small but impactful actions we can take to create a positive environment, whether at work or at home.

MMI’s core value of being HAPPY, as expressed by Eric Bailey, is a testament to the power of positivity and its far-reaching effects. By choosing to be HAPPY, we not only enhance our own lives but also uplift those around us, creating a harmonious and productive environment. Let us all embrace this core value and make happiness a cornerstone of our daily lives.

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