Semiconductor Work Leads Growth Trajectory for Employees & Company

September 5, 2023

As the TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) build in North Phoenix progresses, MMI Industrial & Steel continues to be involved in what is now a $40 billion dollar project. Our most recent contract, awarded on March 1, 2023, by Marketech International USA, included the installation of precision fabrication steel support structures, essential for anchoring nano-scale microchip fabrication tools in TSMC’s Arizona FAB-21 cleanroom.

Challenging in its own right, the job was further complicated by the need to develop and train multiple precision installation teams, all while continuing to work towards meeting the customer’s aggressive schedule. The large crew of up to 65 workers and Construction Manager (Semiconductor), Dan Burch, were up to the task. Of his crew, Dan stated, “ I am most proud of the hard work and relentless pursuit of excellence our entire team demonstrated as we developed and applied the critical skills necessary to compete in this challenging field of construction.”

Hours of learning and hard-won experience of installing precision microchip tooling and supporting structures advances MMI’s position as a semiconductor contractor of choice.

Our growth strategy is aligned with the industry and this project has further sharpened our competencies as a capable solution provide. We are fortunate to be involved in this monumental project and look forward to a continued partnership with Marketech International USA.

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